• Light Painted Still Life

I am glad to share my passion for ” light painting photography ” with you. I started using this technique for photographing still life a some years ago. Viewing and analyzing the pictures of the Dutch and Flemish Golden Age masters I saw a lot in common in lighting and a tremendous opportunity to use this method of lighting in photography. I do not set myself the goal to copy theirs work, I try to keep the tradition of the old masters with modern way of photography. In my process I use a variety of available equipment, including self-made light brush and special clothing. All work is carried out in a completely dark studio.

Samples of works made in this technique can be seen in the gallery page.

  • Still lifes in color fallen from the sky   ( Cyanotype )

…Unfinished project… stopped due to the illness of my beloved wife


Cyanotype is the photographic printing process discovered by Sir John Herschel, a scientist, in 1842 as a means to reproduce diagrams.

It was very interesting for me to study this old technology and I achieved good results in this process, there are some secrets in the technology. I give a guarantee for a hundred years that the picture will not lose color and it may become even better. All materials used were of the best quality + Guernsey strong  sun and seawater.

Exhibited in CCA Gallery Summer exhibition 2018, Jersey.

Very limited stock available for purchase.

  • Film Photography

Coming soon
  • Automotive Photography

I am glad to accept orders for individual photography of cars, motorbikes and other vehicles.  Contact me to discuss all the details of this interesting project.

I like when I show to my client the finished work/picture and he/she says Wow